The SCS Fall Meeting 2022

The SCS Fall Meeting 2022 successfully took place on September 8 at University Zurich!

The SCS Fall Meeting is the major regularly organized event of the Swiss Chemical Society and one of the largest annual research conferences in Switzerland. For decades, the SCS Fall Meeting has been a great platform for young chemists trained in Switzerland to present their research - often for the first time ever at a major conference - and to be inspired by the people they meet there.

Hereby, we thank all the contributions from the Reymond group:
Prof. Jean-Louis Reymond chaired the morning session of Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology. Aline Carrel gave us a great talk on Exploring Bicyclic Diamines as Drug Scaffolds. Five posters from Mario de Capitani, Xingguang Cai, Hippolyte Personne, Etienne Bonvin and Ye Bühler were well presented.

We also thank all other contributions for making this event a great success!